Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blessing Way Ceremony

Now there is lots of activity to celebrate the college's 40th anniversary. These days are part of why I wanted to be on the main campus this spring. Last Friday night, I attended a Blessing Way "last night" ceremony from 10:15pm to 5:20am. This was another one of those special learning experiences that are unique, especially for non-Navajos. There were about 30 of us in the Hogan, and I was the only white person, and one of few who didn't understand the words of the prayer songs that went on for most of the six hours of the "official" ceremony. (Today a co-worker told me, "You're not a white person. You're more like a brunette Navajo!") Not only was the medicine man singing, but over half the men and women there often sang along, and this was beautiful, even though I didn't understand most of the words. The lady next to me translated a few of the songs. Individual songs went on for 15 or 20 minutes.
The first hour (10:15 - 11:15) was preparation, including spreading out of "stuff" many people brought to be blessed by corn pollen and prayers all night. I added to the pile a small purse with symbolic personal things: Baha'i prayer book; phone (off) representing communication with family/friends; pen representing writing; camera; a few dollars. And the thing I was most pleased to put out there, in addition to the items in the small denim purse, was a spiral bound thick book, a copy of the Self-Study Report from the college in connection with the important Higher Learning Commission of North Central Accreditation visit later in April.
Earlier, I was the last one to leave the college office on Friday, and I'd just seen this report here in the conference room. Thinking it was probably a division copy, I took it and left a note that I had it with me and would return it Monday. After it was in the pile of items blessed all night, I wanted to keep this copy if possible. The beautifully done books are in limited supply, but on Monday the Dean (my boss) said I need to have one for my work, and it has evolved that now there is another one here in the conference room for the division, so I can keep this one that was in the Blessing Way.
I'm posting a link here that I hope will take you to Dine College main site. This spring is such a special time here, and there are links from the site to additional information about the 40th anniversary celebrations.

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