Tuesday, October 14, 2008

RV practice

Our second "day trip", on Saturday, just Curt and Pearl and I went for a ride up to about Sante Fe and over to Madrid (pronounced MA-drid with accent on the first syllable) where the funny movie "Road Hogs" was filmed. This day trip was for Curt to get more driving experience in their new RV. He wanted to see how it handled in wind. We expected a little wind, but while we were gone, a tremendous storm came up with winds predicted at 75 mph. We kept listening to the radio to know the whereabouts of the storm and avoided the worst of it. We never got driving in really bad winds, but Curt was pleased with the handling of the RV in the conditions we did experience. When we got back home, there were little piles of hail in the driveway.

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