Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Special Shapes new stork balloon

The hot air balloons are so big! We went to the activities last Thursday night, the best day of 2008 Balloon Festival in Albuquerque. The weather was perfect. The crowds were huge, but everybody always enjoys the hot air balloons, so it's a joyful time and temperaments are always all positive.
Pearl and I were there for hours. We took the bus over from a church lot near her home. Curt was already there, volunteer parking for Civitan Club. This was the day of the "special shapes" with copies of Disney characters and other creative unique animal and building shapes. Many of the balloons return year after year, but there are always new ones. It was interesting to watch the balloons getting inflated, especially the new stork balloon. I'll post photos taken of the process, from seeing the very large flattened white fabric on the ground through the gradual inflation, seeing the shaped beak on the ground, and finally the total stork, complete with a bundle hanging from his beak (no baby inside that.)

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