Tuesday, August 19, 2008

one of Pauly's funnier moments coming here

The drive here to West Palm Beach, two days from Louis Gregory Baha'i Institute in Hemingway, SC, was long enough for the three of us that it included boring times and good times and difficult times for each of us. Pauly can be one of the most charming, cutest little kids imaginable. He regularly says thank you and please and you're welcome at appropriate times in the sweetest voice possible. But at 27 months, he is a challenge to his mom in surprising, creative, stubborn ways! Most of the time in the car, he was interested in seeing new things. "Look at the birds, Pauly." And Pauly would excitedly say, "See. Birds." "Trees, Pauly. See the big trees, Pauly." And then he would comment about the trees.....the planes....the trucks....and so on. This might go on entertaining him for miles. One time, however, he was mad about something else, and we attempted to change the subject trying to get him to look at all the things around us. And his responses were in a loud, near screaming voice, "NO TREES! NO BIRDS! NO CARS!" And in one bad moment today, after Gabs corrected him and asked him to speak to me, Pauly announced loudly, ...."NO SORRY, GRANNY MIKE!"
This might be just the testing current method in his development. I just heard him in the next room, "NO BATH!"

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