Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm still here

I'm still here, and so is the snow and lots of ice early morning and lots of mud by late afternoon. We don't have to deal with the mud as much as many folks around here, though I did lose both shoes into the mud when I was attempting to bring some wood in from the wood pile late yesterday afternoon. (How I thought I could do this chore without my shoes tied on tightly is another funny personal experience! That's why they have laces, Audrey Mike!) This morning, the crisp clear air at sunrise was really beautiful when I went out to dump the ashes. There's a beauty out here that's so special.
Our weekend was wonderful. Louise and I spent most of Friday driving, one busy day (Saturday) in Phoenix, and driving back home to Tsaile most of Sunday. Next post will have photos of the little two year old hoop dancer from the competition at the Heard Museum, and pictures of Pat and Dick and Louise and me at the Navajo Oratorio premier Sat night at the Phoenix Symphony, and pictures of Louise's son, Darold, who worked with me at Dine College 1990-1993 and his family.
Thanks for checking in on my blog.

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