Friday, November 14, 2008

Houston Baha'i Center and other Baha'i gatherings

It took almost a week until I established contact with local Baha'is. Then I found information online about the Houston Baha'i Center and drove there for a Sunday morning devotions service. It was wonderful to meet some of the local Baha'is. Because it took me some time and energy to locate Baha'is, I think my Kingwood family thought I'm the only Baha'i for miles around. Houston is a big city, and I drove a ways into it, not familiar with the highways, or even much with the family car I'd borrowed. However, it worked, and I was able to go again for Feast with a couple people from Kingwood. People are busy with their lives, and so was I, so I didn't spend as much time as I had hoped with Baha'is.
However, while here, I firmed up more details about the upcoming Atlanta Conference on December 5-6, one of 41 conferences called for by The Universal House of Justice in a letter October 20th, to be held worldwide over the next few months. It's wonderful, though not surprisinng, to be getting emails from friends all over the southeast United States who are making plans to get to Atlanta. Folks here in Houston are urged to attend the Conference in Dallas the weekend after Atlanta.
Arizona/New Mexico friends will be hoping to go to the Los Angeles Conference.

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