Friday, November 14, 2008

POW-WOW in Houston

Not nearly as big as those in the southwest, but it gave a small taste of a Native American celebration to my son and grandsons who hadn't ever seen a pow-wow. Of course, I looked forward to fry bread, and I talked a lot about it ahead, and I got in a short line to get some. It took a long time, and my son told his sons who were waiting nearby, "She's probably sending it back and telling them to remake it." Well, almost. I saw some come out that looked better than what was first handed to me, so I said I'd buy from the next bunch. Well, Pearl, you wouldn't have been able to eat it at all! For folks who have never had fry bread, I guess it was ok, but it sure wasn't like Bertie's or Pearl's or anyone's who makes Navajo fry bread. This was not Heard Museum or Pueblo Center fry bread! The costumes were fun to see, and we watched a couple dances. There was a small drum group. I miss Arizona and New Mexico.

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