Sunday, March 16, 2008

People are the most important

Louise continues to be a wonderful friend to me. I always enjoy meeting more of her large family. I hear from Louise that they always ask if I'm ok, if I'm happy, warm enough and comfortable. A couple weeks ago, her mom and step dad came to her home. When we were officially introduced, her mom called me "daughter" in Navajo, and Louise said, "That's it! Now you're part of the family forever." Here are two photos from that day, one of Louise and her mom and another one of her mom with me. Her mom may not have been too enthused about agreeing to the photo shoot, but she did make sure that her hands were held in front of her (Louise said) to show off all her turquoise jewelry. As they left, soon after these photos were taken, she said in Navajo to Louise, "You girls are up to no good."

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