Well, I'm definitely further west, toward my destination, but I have two amusing stories about today's travel.
For all of you who know me well, this won't come as a surprise. Two experiences today show that my expectations and positive visualizing are not always supported by reality.
First, in planning not to drive more than 350 or 400 miles maximum each day, I figured I'd have time out of the car, seeing some new sight, a museum or tourist attraction, or at least a walk in a mall. So far none of that is happening. Today's biggest stop was for over a half hour when I pulled off on an exit with only one gas station (but a nice clean new one.) I parked next to the building on a quiet section of the pavement, lowered the car window (just a little chilly), opened my cooler, and leisurely ate left over salad from last night and cheese brought from home. Went into the station and bought a peanut butter brownie for dessert.
Until I'm into it again each time, I forget that when I'm on a long distance drive like this, esp alone, pretty much the only activity there's energy for is to drive and rest and drive and rest. And I do have a long stretch this evening and overnight for rest.
Second, and this is even funnier to me......I planned tonight's stop in Memphis, and looking at the map, it looked like the motel would be just a couple blocks from the Mississippi River. Wow! Here's the reality: the window in my room looks out onto a truck parking lot in an industrial section right near the airport. I was thinking of a view of the Mississippi like in a travel brochure advertising old paddle wheel boats or something like the walk along the Wilmington, NC, water area. I guess that's what I was visualizing because the reality really surprised me. When I checked in, I saw none and asked if there is a restaurant nearby. I was told that a few restaurants deliver and was given brochures. (I thought that's what you're told in a motel that's in a high crime area.) Anyway, the room is fine, and I enjoyed the chinese food I ordered. Wireless internet connection works great. I'm listening to wonderful old jazz.....love your music, Daddy. And I think I'll read for a while in the comfortable chair with my feet up on the attached ottoman, the same spot as my sweet computer station.
It was cloudy all day, damp but no rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and very cold.