Monday, January 21, 2008


A part of each of the last several days I've been uptight about getting done most of the items on my "do before leaving for AZ" list. The good news is that most of those things got done, and I'll be on the road just a few minutes after I post this message. I'm happy that I'm only three hours later than my goal of noon. I remember now that in May, I left about seven hours later than I wanted, and now I also remember, that's probably why that drive seemed especially stressful for me. I had much further to go on the first day, and I felt like I never really caught up to a good schedule. Today I'll drive just three and a half hours to Louis Gregory Baha'i Institute. So today is good, and it's bright and sunny, a beautiful day to drive. I'm feeling very thankful.
A Baha'i prayer will guide my journey..........O God, my God! I have set out from my home, holding fast unto the cord of Thy love, and I have committed myself wholly to Thy care and protection..........

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